Friday Futures: wrong universe theory, sassy bots

Image credit: OLaLa Merkel /

Welcome to Friday Futures, our weekly guide to the latest visions of  The Future from around the web. This week: theory of the universe could be wrong; sassy bots; self assembling proteins; blockchain based elections; an extra hand and real fake news.

Why does the universe fit more than one theory?

Back in February, a team of researchers working with NASA revealed that Hubble’s Constant — the rate of the universe’s expansion accepted by most physicists for the majority of the past century — could be wrong. Read more…

When bots get sassy, should we get scared?

Once upon a time, a bot deep in a game of tic-tac-toe figured out that making improbable moves caused its bot opponent to crash. Smart. Also sassy. Read more…

Collaborative research team made proteins self-assemble – this is important

A collaborative research team based in Japan has designed new proteins that can self-assemble into the complex structures underlying biological organisms, laying the groundwork for leading-edge applications in biotechnology. Read more…

Some US elections are about to get the blockchain treatment

The 2016 US election was not exactly the most secure affair. Even though tech companies and lawmakers are still sorting out what happened, that’s not stopping West Virginia from thinking big and bold in 2018. Read more…

Some think that an extra hand might really help

These prostheses can help people with missing limbs feel “whole” again. But in a new study, researchers set out to see if such devices could make humans more than whole. Read more…

Japanese are not scared of robots, why are we?

As a Japanese, I grew up watching anime like Neon Genesis Evangelion, which depicts a future in which machines and humans merge into cyborg ecstasy. Such programs caused many of us kids to become giddy with dreams of becoming bionic superheroes. Read more…

Video: there’s a dark strange corner of the internet where children’s brains are hacked. Watch now…

Video: here’s how you get real people to ‘say’ anything you want online, and make everyone believe. Watch now…

(Compiled by Alex Leslie; Edited by John C Tanner)

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